Shipping policy

Delivery Time

Delivery time: 6-12 working day(depends on your place).
After you submitted the order, our warehouse will take 1-2 days to process the shipment for you.

Shipping cost

  • USA, Canada: $5 shipping, free shipping on orders over $50.
  • UK: £4 shipping, free shipping on orders over £40.
  • Australia: $8 shipping, free shipping on orders over $80.
  • Ireland: €5 shipping, free shipping on orders over €48.


Your parcel track number would be updated on the logistics system within 7-12 days.
If you have any problems when tracking your parcel please contact our customer service. Or you can track it on our website: TRACK YOUR PACKAGE

Shipping Area

At the moment, COMENII business mainly covers from the United states of America, Australia,United Kingdom,Ireland and Canada.

    Wrong address

    If the address is incorrectly filled in, please contact our customer service immediately to correct it, which helps to avoid any additional charges and disputes.
    COMENII don't bear any responsibility when your parcel is on the way to your incorrect address.

    Taxes and Duties

    The shipping cost for all orders will be determined during check-out. This cost will include taxes, customs, and duties charges.

     Lost or stolen package

    If the package is lost or stolen, please contact your logistics or our customer service, we will check and solve the problem asap.
    If your track information indicates that your parcel has been delivered but has not been received, please contact your parcel logistics staffs.
    Any problems please contact our customer service team at

    Our philosophy

    We have been working hard to create a safe environment without payment risk for our customers. At the same time, we are very grateful to our customers for their understanding and support.